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Event Details

Enterprising Worcestershire - Stand Up, Stand Out, Sell More - Day 1


Time:10:00 - 16:00

Topic:EW - Innovation and Growth

Contact:Ellie Brown


Location:Worcestershire Group Training Association, WR49GN

No registration allowed

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Event Information

In order for you to be able to attend this workshop, your business must be:


•Located in Worcestershire
•A Small to Medium Sized Enterprise (SME)
•Trading for less than 5 years
•Trading minimum 70% Business to Business


This two-day workshop is designed for businesses to supercharge their profile and presence online and offline.


This interactive workshop covers effective positioning and the battle for attention, and attractive sales messages for both digital/ virtual mediums and face to face.


Day two explores ways of maximising social media to profile and promote the business to your target customers.


Day One


• Positioning: Reputation and benefits – what you want prospective customers to understand about you
• Proposition: What your target customers can expect from you and the solutions you provide
• Proof: Providing independent, credible research that supports your product or service
• Point of difference: Why you? Why not you?


These four areas help you map out your marketing and sales strategy, supported by the afternoon session which focuses on putting this all together into sales conversation/ pitch to persuade and close new/ existing business deals.


Day one pointers also help establish the baseline promotional message ready for day two.


Worcestershire Group Training Association