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Event Details

Enterprising Worcestershire Grant Workshop Q&A


Time:15:00 - 16:00

Topic:Grant Funding

Contact:Ellie Brown



No registration allowed

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Event Information

***This session is now closed for registration***


Join Enterprising Worcestershire for a live Q&A session!


Following the online grant workshop, the EW team are hosting this live event to answer your questions before the grant call opens.


'Meet' the EW team who will be managing the grant application process and answering the questions you have submitted following the online grant workshop.


We look forward to seeing you there!


You will receive a Zoom invite the morning of the session.


The grant is for eligible start-up and early stage businesses and 40% match-funded grants of between £1,000 - £15,000 are available. 


The grant is available to eligible businesses that meet the following criteria:

- Business must have started and have been trading for less than 36 months

- Business must be an SME

- Business must be based in Worcestershire

- Business must be trading at least 70% business to business